Governing Documents
Articles of Incorporation
The formal articles filed with the state of Virginia to legally document the creation of the Occoquan Reach's homeowner's association.
The expanded rules and regulations which define the governing structure of the homeowner’s association and how it operates.
The master document which serves as a compilation of key data pertaining to a community governed by a homeowner’s association. While it draws some data from the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, this declaration also elaborates upon the rules, use restrictions, and maintenance requirements of the community. It records the majority of the powers, rights, and responsibilities of the Occoquan Reach Homeowner’s Association and its members.
Resolutions and Policies
A resolution is a formal way that an association can elaborate and embellish upon community policies and the decisions of the board. Resolutions can be passed by the board without modifying the HOA's recorded documents.
Resolution 2012-01 Privacy and Access to Records .pdf
Resolution 2012-02 DPOR Complaint Procedures .pdf
Resolution 2012-03 Assessment Collection .pdf
Resolution 2012-04 Design Guidelines.pdf
Resolution 2014-01 Design Guidelines.pdf
Resolutions 2018-ACP Internal Complaint Procedures.pdf
Resolution 2023-01 Guidelines for Electronic Board and Committee Meetings.pdf
Resolution 2023-02 Leasing Policy.pdf
Resolution 2023-03 Guidelines for Electronic Association Meetings.pdf